Hive Mind

Hive Mind is the blog of the Economics, Science and Communications Institute, which covers research in political economy and technology applied to politics for technologically advanced societies. This blog is a lighter version of the published papers of the institute, trying to stir real debate through innovative ideas that focus on the fundamental issues of political life, democracy and the economy.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Shorter Bush Administration: $296 billion deficit is good news

In a graphic display of lunacy, the Bush administration has cheered recent news that budget estimates put the federal deficit for 2006 at $296 billion, rather than the previously projected $423 billion.

Sir, you do not have generalized cancer, but rejoice, you have flesh-eating bacteria and we will only need to remove your left leg.

As always, the NY Times provides mandatory cheering for the lunatic fantasies of the Bush Administration: Bush Cheers High Tax Revenues.


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